Momma’s Kitchen

What is your favorite restaurant?

My momma’s kitchen, unfortunately dementia has stolen her ability to make both mine and my husband’s favorite meals.

My favorite meal she cooked for me was cubed steak with gravy, mashed potatoes and English peas.

I loved momma’s fried okra. Sliced thin, battered lightly in flour then fried in hot oil till crunchy crisp.

My husband’s favorite was her fried chicken. Bless his heart I don’t fry chicken. His second favorite was her chicken dressing. Now, fortunately for him my momma taught me how to cook it exactly like she did.

Every New Year’s Day she served up black eyed peas, collards, ham and all the trimmings.

I guess by now you realize we are extremely southern.

Yes, and we are extremely happy with our restaurant menu!

My Aunt Helen

When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be my Aunt Helen!!!

She was beautiful, glamorously stylish and I wanted to look and dress like her.

To this day, red lipstick is my favorite.

Not Near Enough

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

No where nearly as often as I should, but a lot more than I use too!

As a wife, mother, grandmother and now the caregiver for my mother it is my nature to take care of everyone else first. However, I have learned I am not some mystical superhero. I can’t give constantly without becoming drained physically, mentally and spiritually.

I no longer think I have to say “yes” to every person who wants or needs my time. I am not going to pretend it’s easy for me to say “no” more often. I still struggle with wanting to take care of everything and everyone.

I can say I am learning each and every single day to be honest with myself and others. My new top goal is – be honest! The truth is I can’t do everything! I have to admit it to myself, to others and humble myself before God.

Even Jesus didn’t try to be everything to everyone. Why do I think I can be? Even Jesus took time alone to pray and rest. Why do I think I don’t really need to? I had placed myself on a high pedestal of unobtainable greatness.

I find myself saying “no” more often and I intend to keep my goal of being honest with myself and others.

Cold and Crisp

What is your favorite type of weather?

I love cold crisp weather without any rain or snow.

I love being able to walk briskly and freely with comfortable freedom.

I love the energy the cool air brings to me. It fills my lungs and heart with ambitious determination.

It makes me as happy as a pug in a blanket!


What do you wish you could do more every day?

Slow down and just relax. Life truly doesn’t have to be so stressful.

I am learning this and I find it extremely refreshing.

So what if the clothes don’t get washed every Wednesday. The dirty hamper will still be full on Friday or Saturday? Relax.

The line is long at the grocery store. Breathe and play a silly people guessing game instead of getting your underwear all in a bunch. Relax!

Let it go! Just relax more.

Oh, I hear my front porch swing calling me…..

“Bear” One Another’s Burdens

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?

I have always been a bear. So, I am not just the typical mother bear. Something within me longs to help others when I see them struggle.

I will put them on my back of prayer and will provide encouragement. I will fight to keep them safe and to provide what they need.

I give huge bear hugs and pats on the back.

BUT, yes there is always a but, I don’t tolerate an unwillingness by anyone to help themselves. There is only so much anyone can do for another person without it becoming an enabling of poor choices or destructive behavior.

I will love and encourage, but I will also call you out. Tough love some call it. I call it accountability.

Really Rita

What is your middle name? Does it carry any special meaning/significance?

My mother named me Rita Elaine after my beautiful Aunt Rita from England. I went by my middle name all through my childhood and still am called Elaine by family and friends.

Thirteen months after I was born my mom and dad brought home a brother for me. His name was Dewayne Clyde appropriately named after my father Jesse Clyde.

Now bless my dad’s heart he was named after his grandfather Jesse so he went by his middle name also, Clyde. It’s almost as if names were meant to be completely confusing!

It really isn’t though. Think about it! Elaine Rita just doesn’t roll off the tongue as captive as Rita Elaine.  Clyde Jesse sounds decent, but Jesse Clyde the sequence of names demands more attention.

So I understand why the position of names. It’s all in the way the names sound together in my family. Which explains Momma calling me and my only sibling rhyming names Elaine and DeWayne. Only in the South!